quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2008

o que pensar o que dizer?
tenho conversado com um bom amigo sobre avatares

sexta-feira, 9 de maio de 2008

Novamente, ressucito o blog. Meu gosto mudou um pouquinho nesses dias, estou um pouco mais Goth. Tenho ouvido basicamente Dead can Dance, apesar de estar com o hd cheio de coisas maravilhosas, como por exemplo In Power We Entrust (The Love Advocated) tanto na versao do Dead can Dance quanto da do The Gathering, que ficou absurdamente perfeita.

Sail on silver wings
Through this storm
What fortune love may bring
Back to my arms again
The love of a former golden age.
I am disabled by fears concerning which course to take.
For, now that wheels are turning,
I find my faith deserting me...

This night is filled with cries of
Dispossesed children in search of paradise.
A sign of unresolve that,
Envisioned, drives the pinwheel on-and-on.
I am disabled by fears concerning which course to take.
When memory bears witness to
The innocence, consumed in dying rage!

The way lies through our love;
There can be no other means to the end,
Or keys to my heart...
You will never find.
You will never find!